Would someone hurry up and please find a finger* in a Banana Cream Pie Milkshake from Sonic so I can get over my insane craving of all things Banana Cream Pie Milkshake from Sonic?
*or a toe**
**or a wad of hair***
***okay, I think I just solved my own problem with the very power of THOUGHT
Alas, I have no Sonic near me. I get the commercials, though. It's a subtle form of torture...
Posted by: Bronwen | 14 April 2007 at 06:55 PM
Never under estimate the power of thought.
Posted by: Judi Finneran | 14 April 2007 at 07:54 PM
Never under estimate the power of a thought...
Posted by: Judi Finneran | 14 April 2007 at 07:55 PM
I broke up with my boyfriend Sonic a few weeks ago, it's been hard, but I'm gettin' thru it. Now I have a new boyfriend called "Tricky gall-bladder" who does not like anything on the Sonic menu, so when I cheat, he let's me know it...ah the torture, ah the hours spent downing antacids...who knew I could hate the chalky taste of Tums even more than I did before!
Posted by: Joyce | 16 April 2007 at 06:34 AM
Yeah. See, since I have a DVR, I never see commercials, and I don't get tempted with stuff like this. Now I'll have to try it. Hopefully I'll have a bad experience I can report here.
I'm doing this just for you, you know.
Posted by: mistytsim | 26 April 2007 at 09:29 AM
Get 'em to make a choclate banana cream pie shake. Double the yum!
My current addiction, however, is the Fresh Raspberry Frozen Yogurt Shake from Steak N' Shake. *drool!*
Posted by: Chad Too | 26 April 2007 at 01:37 PM
*whispers* It doesn't work....I still eat the Wendy's chili.
Posted by: Nicole | 07 May 2007 at 10:47 AM
so, all I wanted to do was find out the nutritional information in my pita from todays lunch to log it into my fitday account---that's all I wanted....and how did I end up here? well I googled my pita, then the first thing that came up was feministmormonhousewives.org and thought, "well, this I gotta see" and then saw "fmh bloggers" on the side and saw CGB, and thought again, "well, this I live, so this I must see"....and now I'm hear reading about your trip to vegas--but I still really need to know about my pita--so if you could tell me, that'd be great. :)
Hope you had fun in Vtown--I go there a couple times a year for work and once and a while for so-not-work. :)
Posted by: Chelsea Kocina | 23 May 2007 at 03:16 PM
I couldn't agree more! That and the double chocolate chip frappuccino at Starbucks!
Posted by: Randi | 06 June 2007 at 10:31 AM
Is CGB kaput?
Posted by: ItsMeMaven | 25 June 2007 at 07:23 AM
I think perhaps. :(
Posted by: Lauren Herrington | 25 June 2007 at 07:50 AM
I live in Oklahoma, so we have Sonic restaurants all over the place. (There are 7 within 5 miles of my house)
I love Sonic, but I have to ignore the fact that I know it is gross in order to eat there.
I know a number of people who have at one time worked at Sonic. All but two of them now refuse to eat at Sonic and one of those two is retarded. (the other one isn't too bright, but he isn't technically retarded.)
Apparently the inside of a Sonic is typically disgustingly filthy. Horribly so.
I still eat there anyway.
Posted by: Mike | 27 June 2007 at 07:04 PM