"I recently lost about 30 pounds,* which for me essentially negates most chubbiness, although I'm sure it'll come back eventually. I lost it only because I have a crazy metabolism and had just been eating really badly - I improved my eating, but didn't diet, and I didn't do it to be skinnier, as I was actually fairly happy with my body before. At any rate, ever since, people, especially my parents, have been commenting CONSTANTLY on the weight loss, to the point that it's making me really uncomfortable. How can I possibly respond to, "You look so great now!" when what I really want to say is Damn it, I looked great before. I've tried talking to my parents about it, but they think I'm being ridiculous, that I look much better now and should be happy about it, and that if I lost that much weight it MUST have been to be skinny, because we all know that skinnier is better. I just don't know what to say to people, especially those who I know decently well but am either not close enough with or don't have time to have a long discussion on the matter with. I'm starting to feel really frustrated, like by accepting "Wow, you lost so much weight, you look great!" with a thank you, I'm just as much a part of it as they are. I don't know. You guys are so good at the snappy one liners... help?"
* NOT ME (Jerilyn)
Anyone who mocks Miss Ross-Russell for losing 30 pounds and asking the CGB for advice will be forcefed celery. CELERY, people. I KNOW how to lay down a threat.
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