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I am laughing (and wheezing) so hard I feel as if I had made that cross country run with you. Thank you. Apropos of nothing except the frosting at the end, and because I have wanted to share this with the CGB for weeks, here and here are two delightful links to different versions of the periodic table of desserts.

brian w

"a giant number 10" bwahahaha!


So that's why you wanted me to keep the girls at the table with me! But they were bored and said they'd be back in five minutes! What's a gradma to do!?


Actually, by the time the kids sat down with you, I had despaired of Baby Sammy ever waking up for a family picture, so they (and you) were off the hook. Really, it's Baby Sammy's fault, since he finally woke up 15 minutes before sunset. I'll get my revenge when he's older - somewhere there are naked baby pictures his friends will LOVE to see! Oh wait, I already did that to JERILYN!

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