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Amen sister! Everyone's running around, Im gonna lose weight for the new year, ya da ya da ya da. Why don't they just save the time and money they will waste on unsuccessfully trying to lose weight and spend it on something good. Like new shoes. Lots of new shoes. Besides, have you all SEEN a weight watcher room, the first meeting after the new year? Its SCARY!


goddamn it this was hilarious LOL


This is months and months later, but I wanted to put in a good word for Mongolia. Mongolia is amazing—one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Mindblowing. If you're ever in the mood for travel resolutions of the plan-making variety, don't cross Mongolia off your list because it sounds "bleak."


This is months and months later, but I wanted to put in a good word for Mongolia. Mongolia is amazing—one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Mindblowing. If you're ever in the mood for travel resolutions of the plan-making variety, don't cross Mongolia off your list because it sounds "bleak."

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