We have been deluged with hits for the following Google searches:
how to marry a canadian
you want marry a canadian
Marry a Canadian
how to marry a canadian girl
marry canadian
I can only guess that the recent re-election of George "W is for Women" Bush has driven people to finding marriage partners in the cold, cold dating pool to the north of us. I mean really, what other reason could there be? Don't you people know that Canadians live in igloos and eat whale blubber using forks made from the tusks of walrus (walri?)? (I only say that because it seems to be a running joke amongst Americans, and my citzenship depends on repeating it as often as I can.) And now I apologize to our Canadian readers. I'm obviously just another crass American. Oh! Hey! Look—a shiny thing!
And in the same "Couplehood" theme, we've also had hits for the following:
i want to find someone, who will love me, cook sausages, and likes sponge
and sometimes there are two people for you, i like to call that the jackpot
Words escape me.
Other searches that made me giggle:
bigness of bra
bathing suits falling off in water parks
Also, we are are coming up on 13,000 hits this week. THIRTEEN THOUSAND HITS, PEOPLE. NOT JUST PAGE VIEWS. ACTUAL HITS. IN JUST OVER THREE MONTHS. Not bad for a few fat chicks, eh? (The "eh?" was NOT another poke at our fabulous neighbors to the north. It seriously is the way I talk. Where is that shiny thing?) I was actually going to make a big deal about breaking 10,000 hits, but it happened when I wasn't looking.
In other google search-related news, Rachel Ray again tops the list of Google Searches That Bring People To The Chubby Girl Brigade. I blame you Zippy, I blame you.
Hits include every page view, every image that pops up, every server-side include, every external CSS file, etc. Hits is a more accurate gauge of server usage than it is site traffic.
Posted by: Kim Siever | 13 November 2004 at 02:36 PM
If we're counting those kind of hits, then we've hit well over 30K. I'm only counting unique visitors.
Posted by: Jerilyn | 13 November 2004 at 04:34 PM
Alaska isn't in Canada?
Posted by: Flanplinth | 15 November 2004 at 12:05 PM
How are you? My name is Shemul Ahamed. I am from Bangladesh, based in Dhaka. I am hardware & network eng also a multimedia programmer & Graphic designer. I am the Seconds son in my family. I am 5'6 tall, 26, single, happy and unattached. Having black hair and black eyes. I love my parents.
I have very sophisticated & soft Heart. I'm associative, cheerful, tender, very passionate young man... So you'll not be bored with me! I'm energetic, generous, kind-hearted, intelligent, independent, understanding and patient, honest, loyal, straightforward and affectionate person who loves to laugh.
Right now I am from Riyadh Saudi Arabia .I am looking a girl who is the citizen of CANADA.
My dream is to go to CANADA and settled in Canada. So I like to marry a Canadian girl .if any Canadian girl are interested to marry me please mail me. my email address is [email protected].
Well I must stop here. Allah - Hafez
Good-bye and have a nice day.
Posted by: Shimul_Ahamed | 28 December 2004 at 08:29 AM
i've helped a couple of US girls find mates already and have answered over a hundred emails from US girls seeking info on how to marry a canadian. haven't found one for me yet.
Posted by: CF | 23 May 2005 at 08:38 AM