When we first launched our site, after months of giggling over how we should do a website, Danielle was one of the first to ever link to us. This is what we said at the time about her:
"We also found out that we've been linked to by Square Zebra and since we're all about sharing the love, we added her to our links page and urge you to visit her site and try to understand the big words like "IT" and "VoIP" but also read about her funny cat who poops in the bathtub. At first glance, I thought her url was www.SqueezeBra.com and thought "Ha! I know all about that!" But no, it's www.SquareZebra.com. Still, quite clever. Welcome to our world, Danielle.
Click here for info on how to submit your own profile.
Name: Danielle LaFleur
Birthday: Oct. 13th, 1973
Go-to food for stress relief: Cheese-It's/Cheese and Crackers/Loaf of Bread (As if I could pick one carb!)
URL:www.squarezebra.com (Which has links to my other urls Klickatat and Rubis Bleu)
AIM, MSN, or Yahoo! Screenname: Yahoo: prisca107 MSN: [email protected]
Last time you wore a size 12: I remember wearing a size 12 at 14 and thinking I was fat. Those were the days... Now I envy those that wear size 16.
Last book you read: The Sex was Good But...
Your signature dish:
I only know how to make Mac and Cheese.)
Anything else you need to confess that can posted on the world wide web: My mother wears a size 0/2... When we go shopping she is always complaining that everything is "just to big." Sometimes my mother annoys me. Sometimes she annoys me a LOT. *ehem*
Dang I'm cute!
BTW - You'd be surprised at how many people leave messages on my voice mail. "Is this Square Easy Bra? - I'd like to know if you do custom sizing?" What I want to know is ....how many women out there have square breasts?!?
VoIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol. You simply must get it!
Posted by: Danielle LaFleur | 29 November 2004 at 08:16 AM
Hee, you are cute. Welcome to the CGB - although I suppose you've been here for a while.
Posted by: Miss Laura | 29 November 2004 at 10:05 AM
I just think cheese on carbs is cute.
Well, I think it's tasty, too.
Posted by: Kim Siever | 29 November 2004 at 12:06 PM
Cheese and Carbs are yummy! I'm not sure how the French get away with all that cheese, bread, and wine though. They have such tiny waists. But French cuisine is my diet of choice. (Follows closely by the Italians.)
Thanks for the welcome! :)
Posted by: Danielle LaFleur | 29 November 2004 at 01:28 PM
weird, you have the exact same name as me....
Posted by: Danielle La Fleur | 21 July 2005 at 12:03 AM