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Danielle LaFleur

Dang I'm cute!

BTW - You'd be surprised at how many people leave messages on my voice mail. "Is this Square Easy Bra? - I'd like to know if you do custom sizing?" What I want to know is ....how many women out there have square breasts?!?

VoIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol. You simply must get it!

Miss Laura

Hee, you are cute. Welcome to the CGB - although I suppose you've been here for a while.

Kim Siever

I just think cheese on carbs is cute.

Well, I think it's tasty, too.

Danielle LaFleur

Cheese and Carbs are yummy! I'm not sure how the French get away with all that cheese, bread, and wine though. They have such tiny waists. But French cuisine is my diet of choice. (Follows closely by the Italians.)

Thanks for the welcome! :)

Danielle La Fleur

weird, you have the exact same name as me....

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