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Miss Laura

Friend Of Laura is none other than Brian: http://www.joannou.net/log/index.php

As you can tell, he's fantastically clever.

Danielle LaFleur

My favorite part is when I google myself... CGB is but one slot below my real identity in the working world and two links ahead of, apparently, nude pictures of myself?


I did date this really hot bad boy my sophomore year of High School..... lets keep our fingers cross he's looking for nude pictures of me. (Not my co-workers.) *cough*


I am the girl from Danielle's office - yes we do hate her here and I am trying to trying to scrounge up some dirt. Kidding - We love Danielle here. She is the one who turned me onto The Chubby Girl Brigade!


I have dirt on Danielle:

*whispers* She's not actually chubby.

Danielle, I googled your name and saw your naked photos and let me say MEOW.

Danielle LaFleur

LOL! Well I'll admit, when I was 18 I wasn't all that chubby... of course I thought at a size 12 I was HUGE!!!

As I stuff down a whole baked potatoes, covered in sour cream, cheese, and bacon bits (bacon bits have protein and protein cancels out the carbs of the potatoes bigger then my foot - right?) I realize I am getting pretty darn chubby. Woohoo! (I mean crap... where the heck did my collarbone go? )

Man... to be a size 12 again..... and a stupid 18 year old.... those were the days!


Someone linked to us by "GAF"! I got googled! WHEE!!

jerk off

this page sucks , is this all you fat chics have to do is sit around and bitch about how fat you are and how no guy wants you .LOSE Some wieght get a life and learn how to please a man and then you will not have to have a page like this.

and I have a tiny penis


Interesting name. Apparently you have trouble finding a woman, fat or not. No wonder you're bitter.


I am sending many kissies Zes' way. Speak it girl! :)


Ah...I LOVE to be able to edit comments.


Jerilyn is the object of my idolatry!
Smit be now but I love this woman!!


Let's have a hot three way!


err I meant smite. oops

I can't breathe!

Oh the ability to edit comments. I love it, I love it, I love it.
Jerilyn is the woman whose work I now judge other comedy writing against. No one has more consistently made me laugh out loud.
That's a hefty coupla calories gone right there. Thanks for my new exercise plan!

rachel mark



I know this post is older but I felt the need to comment. You NAILED it - I found you through "WW points in toblerone". (Except I already ate it...)

Great blog!

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