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I'm not a pervert! I look in windows to scope out decorating tips!

And my submission for "try harder" substitutions is "hog the blankets" or "eat chocolates" or "purr loudly when petted."


Those are just too funny! I don't know why, but the word poop just gets the giggles started for me, almost as much as hearing a fart. :)

Love the site!


You and my kids, Aimee. And me too, actually.

Miss Laura

If Flannery is doing the talking then "you look like sausage" is the best compliment you can receive. Of course, it also means she's about to start licking your toes.


'K, I just saw this search phrase in our referrers list: "pictures of female mouths bruised and cut from gags"

SICKO, whoever you are!

And what on earth would make our site come up for that search?


But on a more upbeat note, we got googled for "Making Quesadillas." mmmm cheese!

Napoleon, just make your self a dang quesa-dillah!


I saw the "bruised and cut" search too, and I'M DISGUSTED.

Zippy Pool

Rachel Ray...sorry J I just have to keep the
searches comming...

Miss Laura

Yesterday at the bookstore a man bought her cookbook. I almost wrenched it out of his hands and whacked him over the head with it. But I can't see how that would be good for business so I managed the self control to refrain.


I don't know how I missed this when it was posted, but I'm a complete crytoscopophiliac! I had no idea though, until I googled the word to find out what it meant.

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