The porn fiends are getting more selective in their searching for chubby girls. Recent searches:
"Lick my tasty feet" (which totally makes me giggle and reach for breathmints)
"chubby bums in swimsuits" (I see where you are going with this Mr./Mrs./Ms. Fiend, and when I told you we would never be naked on this site, that did include wearing only our bathing suits. Nice try, though.)
"chili dog sauce" (I know, I know, I need to post more recipes)
"plaid haircut fetish" (what the heck?)
"chubby girls in heels" (meow)
"What's the best way to ask a girl to be your girlfriend?" (fear not, sweet Canadian boy, I have submitted this question to Ask Llew on your behalf)
Miss Laura is going to be on vacation in the next couple of weeks, and while she has some posts lined up, and GenAdFemale and I have some posts lined up, we'd LOVE to hear from other Chubby Girls. Please email us at [email protected] and let us know if you'd like to post an article.
Upcoming additions to the CGB site:
A membership directory where we'll post photos and bios of the CGB
A CGB icon for CGB members to put on their own sites
I would totally post a picture of myself in my swimsuit on here. TOTALLY.
Of course, it would be a very dark and blurry picture and you'd only be able to see my shoulders - if that. But I'd schlack it up here.
Posted by: Ll | 29 August 2004 at 11:35 AM