Jerilyn’s Brain: Hello, Jerilyn, this is your brain.
Jerilyn: Why hello there!
Jerilyn’s Brain: Sorry I haven’t been around much but I keep getting distracted by shiny objects. Oooh is that a papercl….
There are many reasons I could list for why Jerilyn didn't write her own biography. She's easily distracted or she's so lazy that she doesn't walk in her sleep, she hitch hikes. However, since she is my ever-so-lovely source of artichoke hearts marinated in Merlot wine then I shall just stick to the story that she is very very busy.
She's busy taking in every stray dog in southern Oregon and giving it a loving home. She's busy with her husband who is completely bald and dressed up for Halloween by gluing a fake piece of long fur in a circle to the middle of his head as a fake combover while donning Haagar expand-o-matic pants and a disco shirt. She's busy with three children one of whom did a couple of laps around the baptismal font after she was baptized. She is busy being a freelance art director. She's busy being a fantastic friend - except for the times when she's busy hiding the fact she reads Patricia Cornwell novels.
You can read more of Jerilyn's writing at Aunt Marvel Salad.
Jerilyn's Chubby Girl Brigade Posts:
* For The Love of The Internet
* Weekly Wrap Up: The Article In Which I Hope To Clear Up The Issue of Porn. And Offer T-shirts.
* Diets: A Retrospective
* Weekly Wrap Up: Lick My Tasty Feet
* Water Park Peril
* Weekly Stat Report: PF Alert
* My Gynecology Appointment or The Day I Ate An Entire Package of Pillsbury's White Chocolate and Macadamia Nut Cookie Dough While Sobbing In My Car
* Lunch With Annie
* Boys I Have Loved
*Weekly WrapUp or The Ways The Huddled Masses Yearning To Be Free Are Finding The Chubby Girl Brigade
* My Own Personal Alarm Clock
* Diets My Husband Has Suggested We Go On
* Reason #4523 I'm Going To Use To Avoid Dieting
* I'm Giving A Whole New Meaning To The Term "In-Flight Meal"
* Weekly WrapUp: The article that will get me beat up with a hockey stick.
* Confession: This may come as some surprise, but I'm no supermodel.
* I've Been Outed
* Oh, Rats
* Resolutions for 2005 or How I Try to Avoid Sticking My Head in an Oven During the Month of January